About Mike Campsey, MD

Mike Campsey, MD, is a father, husband, and physician cardiologist who wants to inspire and motivate you to become the best version of yourself.

I have been on every level of medical leadership, from the Medical Executive Committee to the Medical Staff president to the Chief Medical Officer. In addition, I am actively serving as the Chief of Cardiology for Wheeling Hospital, West Virginia University Heart and Vascular Institute.

In 2020, I wanted to begin pivoting my career toward more of a leadership platform. So, I completed two courses in Physician Leadership; the Capstone event for Physician Leadership and the Wheeling Hospital Physician Leadership Course. The culmination of the two courses made me realize just how backward and informal we physicians were as leaders. We needed more guidance, energy, and direction. Physicians did not just need a seat at the table we needed a powerful voice.

Unfortunately, in November 2021, while working out, I suffered a massive stroke. I had to be transported to WVU via Life-Flight, where I was treated for a clot that had lodged in a blood vessel within my brain. Fortunately, the quick actions of my wife and the team at West Virginia University resulted in a relatively short hospital stay. The days and weeks following my stroke were long, and my recovery was slow. I was not prepared for the challenges that lay ahead. However, my growth process has been unique, and I have a renewed outlook on life. I have shared my experience with friends, family, and colleagues and wish to share it with a greater audience.

I have grown much and look forward to continuing my journey with you.

Please check out my blog for more information on how you can grow with me.

Remember, every day is a great day to Grow!

Do you want to hear more about my experience with stroke and recovery?